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Elena Pottini – JANUARY 2003

Elena Pottini – January 2003

The main motivation of my contribution is to identify a more complete profile of the artist Giovanna Bruschi, in the belief that although her main activity has always been centered on the engraving process, she has nevertheless demonstrated to invest an equal intensity and passion into her career as a teacher of Art History. As a demanding teacher, her method was not based on traditional text-explicit exposition and repetition, but on a strategy based on the interaction of explanation and questioning, always in search of a cultural and intellectual enrichment in each one of us. In addition to communicating profound artistic sensibilities, in the course of her teaching curriculum, Giovanna instilled in me and others the importance of meticulous research, the need to analyze the depths of every situation and never to take anything for granted. Giovanna’s lessons were vibrant, rich, passionate, like the relationship she has with her creations. Thanks to her, and to my deep interest – that I somehow always cultivated inside me – I dedicated my life to the study of art history; and I owe this to Giovanna whom I now consider, not without a certain pride, to be a revitalizing and friendly mentor.

GIOVANNA BRUSCHI - Via Luigi Einaudi 19 06125 Perugia (PG) - 075 5847724 - 342 5752486 [email protected] c.f. : BRSGNN45D41G478E -